shiny object syndrome

Oct 28, 2024 – A Productive Day..But More to Do

I dont remember if I wrote about it last week but something had killed our site speed. I wasn’t sure what it was. Well, after a lot of trial and error, I found the problem but don’t have a great solution. Had to restore an old backup and killed some pages. The website got some work done today and it made me feel good.

Well, if you don’t know, Im not a technical person. I don’t code, I’m not a developer by any means. I can do the basics in WordPress but thats about it. I downloaded the pages I knew would be deleted but I couldn’t get them to restore over the weekend. Well, I was finally able to get them fixed today. They were 90% but I need Scott to fix the SEO titles, meta descriptions, etc. Thankfully he is super nice and said he will take care of it. Also had the guy who built Fix it Today’s home page build a new landing page for all of our content pages.

Well, I kept tweaking and did some thinking. Our page speed score were decent in the 70s on mobile and 99% on desktop but I felt like we could do better. The largest paintful content is something I think that plagues everyone. Time to shrink images. I realized how much a designer is worried about design, not site function or speed. Lots of images were grossly oversized. Our hero image was 600kb and now is 220kb. Lots of other images were cut down to about 1/3 of its original size. We dont need 1500×1000 images for what ends up being small images on the website. Resizing and then converting to webp made a big difference. We got our page speed up to 86 on mobile and still 99 on desktop. I’m happy with this. We need everything possible to help us on Google search.

Tried to get our profiles from all of the random websites to index by sharing on Twitter. Didn’t seem to work which sucks. I’ll need to find a way to get them indexed. They will help with strong backlinks as they are mostly DR 70+ websites. They are sites like Glassdoor, Crunchbase, Capterra, Trustpilot, etc. Our DR is slowly growing and we are getting more backlinks from great sources doing HARO. By we, I mean Scott and his team is doing a great job. I think we got 6-7 links in less than a months. Hopefully more to come.

Random change of subject… I went to cancel a subscription for an antivirus software we have used for a couple years and saw they offered a 45% discount if I stuck with it. Thats a huge discount. I also had a couple discounts offered when I went to cancel a WordPress plugin subscription and something else. This smells like some sort of business idea. A simple site to collect discounts offered when you threaten to cancel a subscription. You can save huge money. Who else gives a big discount? I know internet providers do when you threaten to go with a competitor. Cell phone carriers too. Collecting data isn’t hard. Crowdsourced info…but how can you monetize it? Does it need to be?

Dec 20, 2024 - Hide and Seek with a 3 Year Old
Dec 19, 2024 - Not A Lot Happened
Dec 18, 2024 - Possible Pivot with a New Partnership



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