Well, today started out fairly bad. I just couldnt concentrate and figure things out. I felt pretty off today. I had one main goal which was to get a handle on the SEO pages going forward. We are going ot build our content pages to get going and then let Scott take over once we have a bit of bulk. Also sat down with the business partners which we haven’t really done in about a month.
So the SEO thing is kind of killing me. Scott’s people write pages or content for a living. Its not terribly complicated but when you don’t do it for a living, the process, which needs to be standardized, is hard to come up with. I have used multiple AI writers in the past. With AI writers, you seem to just write articles for a blog. They are not really designed for web pages. I know they are the same but they are not. Web pages are designed and laid out. A blog post basically takes any shape that it is written in and images go in random place. Our pages have been designed (really well in my opinion) and I need the content to fit the same layout.
So to build these pages, we have a couple options. Copy what Scott did and just change text to different services and reuse parts of each page to build new pages. Taking part A from page 1, B from page 2, C from page 3 and make a page for with A, B and C. Google wants different wording and pages to be “bespoke”. Programatic SEO just doesnt seem to respond like it did before (so I read). Using something like Neuron Writer can help grade out text on the page. I built a GPT to rewrite the pages and keep the layout that we have. So, the process should be:
1. Use ChatGPT to build the page content
2. Search the keyword with NeuronWriter
3. Copy ChatGPT into Neuron and see how it grades it (need to tweak the GPT to make this easier so it will be in markdown)
4. Copy and paste the non changing part into Neuron to let it add to the score
5. Edit the content to optimize the score a bit
6. Copy all of that edited stuff back over to the new page
7. Hope it works
Spoke to my business partners for a few hours. Talked about life and business. It looks like Im going to be on my own still until peak season (Q4) is over. They are hoping to have their business sold by the beginning of next year. It’s a piece of mind to know I shouldn’t count on them to be helpful for a few months. I’m going to just keep making all of the decisions and hope they are the best. One of the big decisions I need to make right now is how much to build. We decided to build a MVP but then we added a bunch of stuff. Now I feel like we need stuff like “custom quotes” which in reality we don’t. The problem is if we don’t, we may lose some possible business opportunities because homeowners dont see the problem they have.
Our goal is to shrink the team on the development side for now. We need to bring costs down as we have a limited budget and trimming this part is the easiest and makes the most impact on savings. We need to budget this money to advertising. This would have been so much easier if we just did this business 6 years ago instead of investing our money into our other business. We will see what happens!