shiny object syndrome

Nov 11, 2024 – Applying to YCombinator

Well, another day came and went. Developer meeting, a little work at the office, a little work on the site. Doesn’t feel like a ton got done but its another day forward.

Started with a developer meeting. We need a couple new ways to build estimated pricing. We had a window washing company sign up and we need to build some sort of calculator to calculate a price or we could possibly group packages of windows (1-10 windows, 11-13, 14-16, etc). But not all windows are created equal. Big windows, small windows, 2nd story windows, doors? I think a calculator will be the answer. This calculator can be used for several other services as well like pressure washing. Length x width x price to get the estimate. I think we can build the basics and each job type will need a little tweaking. No easy way to make it fully dynamic…or is there?

So I decided we are applying to YCombinator. We only have 1 day left to apply..of course. Well, when filling out the application, I feel like they are going to deny us from the very beginning from question 1. “Did any “Who writes code, or does other technical work on your product? Was any of it done by a non-founder? Please explain.” Well crap. I knew they really want tech cofounders but we don’t have one. You can be successful without one. In fact, I feel like there is a case against having a tech founder and that simple case is they don’t know everything. They can write say Javascript, but are they a database expert? Are they an AWS expert? Security? Anything devops? Just because they know how to code, does that mean they are great at it?

So, we use a development company for Fix it Today. I love it other than the cost. We have a small team (not 1 founder who codes). While a developer founder knows a programming language or two, do they know all the languages you need? Our tech stack has 2 main languages: javascript and react native. The mobile developers are generally a breed of their own. It’s unlikely the single founder has both skills. So with any tech company, you need servers. Devops is a whole different avenue of education and training. Its likely the founder has no devops experience. With an agency, we have all of those and we get them when we need them. We didn’t have to hire a full time devops person for a 1 week job or little bits of maintenance here or there. Sigh…Im sure Im preaching to the choir but I really feel like this is the one thing that will hold us back from acceptance. Hell, we may not get an interview. Thats question number 1!!

Dec 20, 2024 - Hide and Seek with a 3 Year Old
Dec 19, 2024 - Not A Lot Happened
Dec 18, 2024 - Possible Pivot with a New Partnership



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