shiny object syndrome

Idea Validation – Not Your Friends and Family

If you think you have an amazing business idea, your friends and family are stereotypically the first people you turn to for validation. While it seems like its a great idea, its likely not a good idea. Lets talk about why. Your friends and family want you to succeed. They also dont want to be mean to you and tell you your idea sucks. While they may not like the idea, you’re going to get comments like “it has potential” or “it could work”. Thats like telling someone that their baby isnt cute “oh, look at that baby”. They didnt say your baby was cute.

Get outside validation for your business. Outside meaning people you don’t even know. This seems like its hard but its not really that hard. You’ll have to go out of your comfort zone and just suck it up. This is good because if you can’t do it before you start your project, you won’t do it after its up and ready to run. Strangers are the key to success…. unless it involves your children.

For Fix It Today, I cold called businesses to get their input. Ok, I warm called businesses (kinda). While most people were not complete strangers, they were not friends and family. I called 10 companies we had dealt with in the past (used their services) and learned a lot.

Company 1: This was a pest control company that just got rid of some skunks at our Amazon warehouse. The landlord hired them but I talked to the owner a couple times as we would check the traps daily. He said he wouldn’t use Fix It Today. Damn… first call. Well, there’s a little more to that story. He’s been in business for 30 years and stays busy. He runs a small shop with a couple employees and does not want to grow his business. He has enough inflow of customers and his existing customer base keeps him busy. He did say though he knew several other pest control companies that he sends business to when he can’t get to it. He said they would absolutely love a low cost way to get new business in the door. He made the comment most people would be thrilled to have someone spoon feed them business. I’ll take that

Company 2: Neighbors electrical company. Never answered the phone. I left a message and they never called me back. Its ok, I won’t hold it against him.

Company 3. This was a large plumbing contractor again used by our landlords for the Amazon business. I just talked to the receptionist but she told me it was a great idea and thought homeowners would love it. She was worried about it on the contractor side though because scheduling their employees is difficult. She was afraid it would be very hard to them to keep up with our system and theirs. Noted…my scheduling system better be simple and quick.

Company 4: Cornbread…great guy. Ok, so Cornbread (his nickname…dunno) runs a tow truck service. Again we have used his services several times to move forklifts around for our business. While I know Cornbread, we aren’t friends. What did he have to say? “Oh you mean a dispatch service?” I learned about the tow truck business and how companies like AAA work. A dispatch service charges you $300 to tow a car then gives 1/2 to the actual tow truck company and keeps the rest :o. Ok, Cornbread warned me about tow truck companies that are going to try and stiff us as a service. They will take bunch of business then not pay their bills. Noted…charge each service provider per appointment. Don’t let them run up a tab.

Company 5: Local plumbing company. Didn’t answer the phone

Company 6: Local HVAC company. Didnt answer the phone…. Are we seeing a pattern?

Company 7: Local HVAC and plumbing company. They have I think 30+ employees. Not a small company. I met them because one of the owners is a FFL and I picked up a gun from him. While I was there I pitched him the idea. We talked about their business and the idea and what did I learn? They spend $200-250 per lead generated off Google. Clicks are roughly $25 and it takes 8-10 clicks to get a customer that actually gets and appointment set and pays them for a service.

Company 8: Some plumber at the gas station. Yes, a stranger. He said the same thing as the pest control guy. He’s pretty busy most of the time but knows most contractors would love to get spoon fed business.

Company 9: Local plumbing company – no answer… probably because they are the one out doing the work.

Company 10: Local HVAC company – Conversation was short but they said they would be interested if they can get more work and it doesn’t cost and arm and a leg.

This is legit feedback yall. This is great feedback your family will never give you. Since we are talking about building a marketplace, we have the other half of the equation to go… Homeowners.

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