Well, I woke up like normal and had a developer meeting. After that, checked the Facebook ads and added them to the list. Its starting to look better! Check out the plot of homeowners signing up prior to launch. We are far from a Harry’s razor approach but hey, I’ll take it.
So the email campaign looked a little better as far as statistics but far from great. 30% open rate, 80+ clicks on the youtube links but is that real? No, unfortunately. Youtube shows 18 views of the video :(. We are still far from where I was hoping but we got our first local provider phone call wanting to join Fix it Today. Ron, thank you! You gave me hope.
Later in the day we got another call from a Facebook ad. A HVAC company in Indiana wants to sign up. Maybe I need to make some Facebook ads targeting service providers. Will look into that tomorrow.
Got a couple more servers in and need to take them to the warehouse and get them up and running. I took them up there but realized I dont have any hard drive caddies for the servers. Well, looks like the datacenter is in my future to pick up some stuff. These servers are to run backup servers (fail over) at another data center not too far away. If our main stack goes down for some reason at datacenter #1, Fix it Today will automatically pick up and run at datacenter #2.